Let us find you a better rate

24.01.23 | Marc Barlow | Resources

Let us find you a better rate

If you’re looking for a better deal on your fixed-rate home loan or variable rate loan, we can help. And it’ll cost you nothing! (Lender fees and charges may apply but we build those into our analysis).


We compare interest rates

With literally hundreds of different home loans available from dozens of lenders in Australia, finding the best deal is tricky.

Did you know that the expert brokers at Mortgage Broker Melbourne can do the legwork and find you the best loan for your circumstances? And best of all, or services is totally free for you. (Again, lender fees and charges may apply but we build those into our analysis).

Let us scour the loans available in the market and get you a better deal on your existing home loan. We’ll compare rates, look at other loan features and present you with some competitive loan options


Loans in your best interest – guaranteed

Our brokers uphold the legislated Best Interests Duty (BID). In short, that means we’re legally obliged to find deals that actually suit your circumstances. You can be sure there’s no funny back-room deals. We work for you.

Using our quick online fact find we find about your finances, employment and property ownership dreams. Then, in a meeting in person or online, we’ll explain all the aspects of different loans (fixed or variable, offset and redraw, linked credit cards and more) to see what you want from a loan.

Sometimes the rock-bottom rate isn’t actually the best deal…

Our brokers take that information and find loans that suit you. The choice is always yours.


Loyal or lazy? We can help!

Lenders aren’t loyal to customers. For most borrowers, the actual bank doesn’t matter: it’s the loan they’re interested in. But once people setup their loan, it’s all-too common for people to sit back for years while their loan chugs along in the background. Meanwhile, new loan types and lenders enter the market.

Could you be better off? In our experience, the answer is: almost certainly.

Don’t get stung by the ‘lazy tax’ or stick with a lender just because you banked with them when you were at school. It’s time to shop around.


Contact us

So whether your current fixed-interest rate is coming up for renewal or you just want to see what else is available, we’re available to help.

Contact us at Mortgage Broker Melbourne and opne of our experienced brokers will arrange a time to meet and chat about your loan needs. There’s no obligation and no cost. What have you got to lose?

Contact Mortgage Broker Melbourne today.